Here you can find our proteomics and translatomics data on the infection profile of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus in human cell culture.
The corresponding paper is currently available as a pre-print under: DOI 10.21203/ . To make visualization easy, we created this website to access single proteins of interest by their UniProt Accession, Gene description or the official gene symbol (as applicable).
Briefly, cells were infected with intact SARS-CoV-2 virus and incubated for either 2, 6, 10 or 24 hours and then analyzed by MS.
Proteome data: The proteome data is represented as fold changes to mock control infected samples at the corresponding time points. The data consists of three biological replicates.
Translatome data: The translatome data is plotted for each condition (control or infected) and for three biological replicates each. Data is on AU scale.